
Product designer with 15 years of experience. Approachable, kind human, obsessed with UX, UI, AI and culture. Designed SaaS automation products, earning evaluations over $410M from top VC firms.

I recently started sharing my knowledge on Linkedin and Youtube!

Working with brilliant brands
and real gems of people

“Fully capable of detaching himself from his work. Changing and iterating over big ideas is easy when you have Aaron. Also pro presenter and story teller.”

Paola Camacho
Service Designer, Lead Designer

“An embodiment of the fact that great design is problem solving and not an additional layer of paint you put on as an afterthought.”

Johannes Freund

Senior Product Manager

“Ability of handling tensions assertively and immediately. Aaron doesn’t freeze. His attitude is free of judgement, full of self-reflection. Master of win-win solutions.”

Eva Kassai

Coach, Psychologist, Integral Therapist

“The most empathetic, positivity-amplifying, ready-at-the-hip, always pushing for what will be the best, have-my-back-and-everyone-else’s teammate I’ve ever had.”

Charles Vestal

Product & People Manager

Ephicient logoOE logoThe Paak logoAriseHealth logoAriseHealth logo

About me

I was lucky enough to be part of multiple communities that are based on trust, transparency, honesty, and competence. My skills and abilities reflect those wonderful people who I recognise as my mentors.

I worked in small- to huge teams, B2C, B2B, enterprise, massive AI-supported analytical platforms to the simplest applications. I bring the message that empathy and human centred design can bring success regardless of context and scale. Want to see how?

Years of experience
Products built
Product evaluation
VC investment received